About the Stan Willis Trust
The Stan Willis Trust is committed to engaging people in Melbourne's western suburbs to work together for justice – to level the playing field so that all get a 'fair-go'.
The Trust has supported a wide range of initiatives over many years. Its current focus is on supporting participation in education, especially among children and young people, including through engagement with their families.
The Trust funds initiatives in the municipalities of:
- Brimbank
- Hobsons Bay
- Maribyrnong
- Melton
- Moonee Valley; and
- Wyndham
It is currently giving priority to homework clubs, sometimes called Out of School Hours Learning Support Programs, in the western suburbs. Learn more about these initiatives here.
The Trust offers up to two grant rounds per annum.
Our beginnings
The Trust was set up in memory of Stan Willis - a tireless union and community worker - and two organisations established by the 1972 Whitlam government, the Western Region Council for Social Development and the Western Region Education Centre.
Its Trustees live and/or work in the western suburbs. We are passionate about the west and its people.
Donations are tax deductible and you can donate now online
In 2012, the Stan Willis Trust established a tax deductible fund through the Australian Communities Foundation
The fund has been established as a source of raising additional funds to support the initiatives of the Trust.
The fund's aim is to build an endowment that will continue to grow. This will give the Stan Willis Trust a larger pool of funds in perpetuity that can be used to grow its granting programs.
For the past two years, the Australian Communities Foundation has been assisting the Stan Willis Trust with its grant making program.